Women with smartphone


Insurance is a risk-management business, based on trust. That's why insurance data must be protected, anytime, anywhere. But security alone is not enough. Successful insurance companies are pushing digitisation cost-effectively and their digital customer experience is user-friendly, flexible and compelling. This is exactly what Airlock supports, out-of-the-box, as confirmed by its profitable use at over 20 insurance companies.

Airlock: security for insurers

Airlock is an intelligent security solution for insurance companies, suitable for organisations of all sizes. Airlock guarantees secure data traffic on the B2B platform BrokerGate®, with thousands of brokers involved, 13 well-known insurance companies and all this with a single user login. 



Security for sensitive data

Happy customers – but not only in the event of a claim

Forrester Q&A

Airlock had the opportunity to interview Oliwia Berdak, Vice President and Research Director at Forrester, covering some important questions insurers may have overcoming certain obstacles.

You can read the entire interview with Oliwia Berdak in our Forrester Q&A.

Request Forrester Q&A

Optimal customer experience along the customer journey

With Airlock, all insurance customers benefit from an optimal user experience - across all digital services and on all devices. The initial contact for new customers is inviting and convenient, thanks to technologies such as social logins or the support of identity provider services like SwissID, E-Identity or Buergerkarte. This increases the number of new customers, whilst existing customers have easy and secure access to all vertical applications. User self-services and high availability also ensure that the offerings are available around the clock.

User experience

Implement digitisation more simply and efficiently

With the Airlock Secure Access Hub, insurance companies reduce the time-to-market for their innovations. With flexible security layers, Airlock creates the simple basis for complex digitisation projects - with optimum cost efficiency and short implementation times. Their services can also be easily integrated into partner platforms via the built-in Federation Standards, or vice versa. Insurance companies, therefore, position themselves as added value to partner offers.

Cost efficiency

Survival in an accelerating world

Scale, automate, customer-focus: today, digitisation is the most important driver of innovation, especially in the insurance industry. Security is an essential topic but not the only one and this is precisely where Airlock's great advantage lies.

While Airlock comprehensively protects the web applications and APIs, insurance companies focus on the digital innovation of their core business. The Secure Access Hub is the coherent overall solution for all web security issues – from access management and protection of interfaces and applications to blocking external attacks. Airlock also handles the administration of user consents, compliance with and enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or authentication of all access via Single Sign-on (SSO). For insurance companies this means, with Airlock, they streamline the backlogs of development teams and achieve a significantly faster time-to-market.

Time to market

With our digital insurance sales platform AnivoCore we offer our customers a unique consulting experience, whether with our partners or at home with end customers via web interface. Since the data entrusted to us can be accessed via API or web interface using single sign-on, particularly reliable protective measures are necessary. The balancing act between high security and great user-friendliness is perfectly solved thanks to Airlock.

Simon Masal, Head of Infrastrucutre & Backend Services, Anivo IT Services GmbH

References for insurance


Visana A strong partnership delivers maximum security

Visana is one of Switzerland's leading health and accident insurers. The company offers its customers a range of products, including convenient online services with the emphasis being on security.  

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IG B2B for Insurers + Brokers

IG B2B for Insurers + Brokers Destined for success together

The IG B2B association has launched a new era for data transfer between brokers and insurers in Switzerland with its central BrokerGate® platform which makes electronic trading easier. Its software partner, Ergon, ensures maximum security with its Airlock WAF web application firewall in combination with the Airlock IAM authentication server.

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From measuring fever and pulse to blood tests: Hardly any other industry is as data-oriented as the healthcare sector. And dacadoo makes this data useful, both for people as well as insurers and health organizations. The Zurich-based start-up has become a real driver of innovation in e-health – thanks also to Airlock, the security solutions by Ergon Informatik AG.

Read more

Unsere Whitepaper

Read in our blog about insurance


Digitization in the insurance industry 2021


Happy customers – but not only in the event of a claim


Never ending story - Digitisation for insurance companies

Ready for excellent IT security?

Contact us now.
Ergon Informatik AG+41 44 268 87 00 Ergon Informatik AG

Information for you

-Our whitepapers-

Whitepaper: How to make cIAM a success

Increasing requirements for security and user-friendliness make Customer Identity and Access Management an essential. Read our whitepaper to find out how you can secure your competitive advantage with the right CIAM strategy.


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Whitepaper: Security for cloud-native applications

You can read about how companies can ensure the security of web applications and APIs in Kubernetes in the white paper "Security for cloud-native applications", which was created in collaboration between heise and Airlock.


Request whitepaper

Whitepaper: Zero Trust is a journey

The ongoing digital transformation of the world is progressing and having a profound impact on our personal and professional lives in ways that were difficult to imagine just a few years ago.

This white paper discusses the effects of continuous digitalization and its impact.

Request free of charge

Off to DevSecOps

In this white paper, you will learn the most important insights into how you can implement DevSecOps successfully and efficiently, which security components are required for this and the advantages of a microgateway architecture.


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Airlock 2FA - Strong authentication. Simple.

Double security - this is what two-factor authentication offers in the field of IT security.

Find out more about strong authentication and the possibilities offered by Airlock in our white paper.

Download for free

Further whitepapers

We provide you with free white papers on these and other topics:


  • Successful IAM projects
  • compliance
  • Data protection (DSGVO)
  • Introduction of PSD2
  • PCI DSS requirementsPCI DSS requirements
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