Until now, Inacta mainly used Cloudflare services or a specially managed in-house set up based on Apache ModSecurity for web application firewalls (WAF). Unfortunately these services could no longer fully meet Inacta’s needs or those of its customers. Inacta lacked the following IT security and data processing features:
- The processing of all data traffic within Switzerland which complied with an exceptionally high security standard;
- independent maintenance of each application’s WAF;
- The ability to comprehensively adjust each application’s security settings.
However, these requirements could be met using Airlock with the ‘Swiss made Airlock WAF solution’.
Inacta’s solution offers the following new WAF features:
- Cloudflare
- Airlock Gateway
Data processing using Cloudflare is carried out all over the world whereas using Airlock it is guaranteed that data is processed in Switzerland.
For Inacta to be able to guarantee its customers they would benefit from the data processing security they expected, applications such as Jira, Wiki, Bitbucket, SVN, and Bamboo already have Airlock’s advantages.