Apps in Kubernetes

You can read how companies manage to ensure the security of web applications and APIs in Kubernetes in the white paper "Security for cloud-native applications", which was created in collaboration between heise and Airlock.



Read the entire white paper (in German)

Modern applications are increasingly being created on the basis of microservices in Kubernetes environments. This method of breaking down an application into small modules requires application security to be adapted. The security of Kubernetes is of particular importance here, as Kubernetes orchestrates the containers, i.e. is responsible for their provision and management. This white paper describes the necessary transition from traditional security approaches and introduces modern security practices for Kubernetes.

The solution to the dilemma: the right Kubernetes security combines agility and security

DevSecOps: Security for Kubernetes must itself be agile

If the DevOps processes of developers in agile teams are not to be hindered and a high level of security is to be established at the same time, new solutions must be found. Application security must be transformed in order to keep pace with development. As the "State of Kubernetes security report 2023" from Red Hat shows, many companies are struggling with specific security risks in cloud-native development. It is striking that 67 percent of respondents have had to slow down their cloud-native projects due to security concerns. Yet application modernization via the container Kubernetes approach is actually intended to speed up development work. Security thus remains the stumbling block to innovation.

Airlocks Microgateway offers special advantages for this:

  • Continuous Deployment: The DevOps team can automate the deployment so that every API and every microservice is rolled out with a microgateway.
  • Security as Code: All microgateway configurations (as well as the OpenAPISpec) are designed as "Security as Code". Like the application code, they can therefore be versioned and stored in the repository. The change history, for example, can be viewed at any time.
  • OWASP Top 10: WAF and API protection functions keep attackers and malicious requests away from the application.
  • Zero Trust: The microgateway ensures a network architecture based on the zero-trust principle by checking the authorization of every access (e.g. JWT, JWKS) before it reaches the application. Not only north-south traffic is filtered, but also east-west traffic.

If you would like to find out more, you can download the entire white paper here:

Read entire whitepaper (in German)


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Whitepaper: Security for cloud-native applications

You can read about how companies can ensure the security of web applications and APIs in Kubernetes in the white paper "Security for cloud-native applications", which was created in collaboration between heise and Airlock.


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