In the previous blog posts, not only the basic functional principle of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) was presented, but above all the associated potential for a self-determined and at the same time effective, all-encompassing handling of digital identities and personal credentials was examined in detail. Based on these explanations, it quickly becomes clear why the topic is now being massively promoted at national level. After all, the advantages speak for themselves.


The Department of Homeland Security in the USA is not the only advocate of SSI technologies and is promoting their introduction in the United States. Corresponding initiatives and legislative processes are also in full swing right on our own doorstep. According to the current planning horizon, the requirements for relevant E-ID concepts based on SSI should become binding in both the countries of the European Union and Switzerland by 2026 at the latest.

Switzerland: On course for success at the second attempt

In the Swiss Confederation, the National Council approved the new bill for the introduction of electronic proof of identity by a clear majority on March 14, 2024. The first version failed in a referendum in 2021. Many of the critics at the time have since fallen silent - so the likelihood of a new referendum is extremely low. The bill is currently before the Council of States and there is every chance that the law will be passed this year. As part of the practical preparations, the Swiss Federal Office of Information Technology has provided a technical infrastructure for interested companies to try out. The proclaimed goal: to be able to act by 2026 at the latest - on a legally and technologically sound basis.

eIDAS2 und EUDI-Wallet: Auf die Plätze, fertig, los!

The European Union's eID and SSI-related activities are also currently reaching a decisive milestone. On February 29, 2024, the European Parliament adopted the amended eIDAS-Regulation in a final vote. With the purely formal act of waving through the EU Council of Ministers, the EUDI wallet is a done deal and the EU member states have 24 months to breathe life into the concept of digital identity at national level in accordance with the law. In order to put the underlying technical specifications through their paces in advance, the EU has already launched four large-scale pilots (LSPs) in 2023, in which private companies and authorities from the EU member states and other European countries are currently working together to develop and pilot specific use cases. Around 360 institutions are involved. The technological basis is the from eIDAS Expert Group toolbox, which includes the most recent version of the „Architecture and Reference Framework (ARF)“.

Versatile application scenarios

While the EWC project focuses in particular on use cases relating to the use of digital travel certificates across the EU, the participants in the Potential-LPC are working on cross-border processes for online administration, opening bank accounts, SIM card registration, a digital driving license, e-signatures and medical matters such as prescriptions. NOBID is focusing on EUDI wallet-based payment processes and, last but not least, DC4EU is examining the possibilities of digital proofs in the areas of education and social security. It is expected that 40 to 50 different use cases will be available as turnkey solutions by 2026. Over 400 million EU citizens will be able to benefit from the advantages in the near future. The use of the EUDI wallet across the EU is voluntary. At the same time, the European Commission is already requiring large online platforms and search engines to accept EUDI wallets for user authentication and registration in the future. This increases the pressure on private companies.

Whether it's access to public services or social security benefits, banking transactions, mobile phone issues, proof of driving license, signing contracts, prescriptions, travel requirements, education certificates, payment processing or classic authentication issues when using the Internet: the SSI playground is extremely broad and it is now only a matter of time before corresponding application scenarios become a reality across the board and spark further wildfires - regardless of the industry and in every corner of the world. The following blog post takes a closer look at a few examples of how and where SSI is already helping to make everyday life easier.


Stay tuned and read all the articles in our exciting series on SSI.

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