IT security made easy

The issues of data protection and data security play a prominent role as digitalisation affects almost all areas of life. Here, the requirements on access management are constantly rising. After all, besides security, the user experience is more important today than ever before. Apart from that, cyber crime is growing. In addition to password theft, phishing and social engineering attacks have become a real threat for many companies in the digital age. The understandably high degree of sensitivity among policymakers, the media, companies and customers makes the need for data security one of the most pressing issues of our time.

What’s clear is that digitally available, sensitive data should only be provided to authorised persons. In order to ensure the security of this data, nowadays it’s no longer enough to use a trusted but often very simple and insecure password. Data security and protection require another security step – a second factor.

2FA – flexible use, wherever and whenever

By now, almost everyone has used two factor authentication (2FA). After all, it has become well established in the banking sector. Anyone who conducted their banking transactions online 15 years ago will be familiar with printed TAN lists. Here, the password query during login represents the first factor (knowledge factor), while entering a TAN from a printed list is the second factor (possession factor). Naturally, printed lists with hand-typed TANs no longer play a role today – in part due to user-friendliness. Meanwhile, users often confirm a payment by fingerprint with the use of a smartphone app. The principle of two factor authentication has not changed, however, not least because the EU has required it since September 2019.

Another area that calls for a similarly high standard of protection for sensitive data is the insurance industry. Digital patient files, pension fund data or claims reports – many insurance companies provide their customers with contracts and customer data in convenient apps or customer portals. Here, data security can likewise be ensured with user-friendly two factor authentication.

Even in other areas, a lot has become easier and faster as a result of digitalisation, but this has also come with a need for additional protection. A good example is industry, where quick checks and machine adjustments are often required in production. Thanks to 2FA, this is now not only possible with physical presence. For instance, if the production manager attends an unscheduled meeting, they can carry out any changes on the go using a mobile device. That’s because a second factor for authenticating identity is also required here for the protection of sensitive data.

Modern requirements, modern solutions: Airlock’s 2FA

As you can see, 2FA can be used for a wide range of applications. The different types of 2FA are just as varied. Depending on the requirements on security, user-friendliness and costs, a number of methods are possible – all of which are supported by Airlock cIAM:


TAN lists---~
Matrix cards~--~
Hardware OTP+~--
Software OTP+~~++
QR Code with OTP++~~~
QR Code without OTP++---
Biometric with hardware++~---
Biometric with smartphone+++~~
Automated Call+~~~
E-Mail OTP~~~+

Airlock’s One-Touch 2FA options provide maximum convenience combined with top security. All you need is a smartphone. With the One-Touch method, you receive a push message on your smartphone that you need to confirm with a tap. 

The advantage of Airlock’s 2FA also lies in its flexibility: the strong authentication with a second factor can also work without a smartphone and Internet access, if necessary. Authentication is then based on a hardware token, a pass code or a QR code and can therefore be easily opened offline.

Airlock’s 2FA – resource-saving and ready to use

In general, switching to a new authentication method is time and cost-intensive. Airlock’s 2FA is proof of the opposite. Airlock’s 2FA requires no technical integration, since the solution is ready to use instantly and saves valuable resources. Thanks to the convenient app for Android and iOS, Airlock cannot only promise a short time-to-market, it also delivers. Combined with Airlock IAM, all you need is a license and just a few minutes of configuration – nothing more!

Moreover, Airlock’s 2FA offers extensive self-service features including password reset, management of registered smartphones and much more. This allows you to save additional helpdesk costs.

Besides high security, user self-services and the quick time-to-market, customers benefit from an elegant design and excellent user experience – which is more important today than ever before.

2FA helps make internal processes simpler for customers and employees. Airlock’s 2FA shows that strong IT security doesn’t have to be complicated.



Learn in our Pro Tutorials how easy, fast and secure the login with Airlock 2FA works.

To the Tutorials

Whitepaper Airlock 2FA

The two-factor authentication (2FA, MFA or SCA for short) in the area of IT security offers double the security. In combination with efficient customer identity & access management (cIAM), numerous processes are significantly simplified.

Find out more about strong authentication and the possibilities that Airlock offers in our whitepaper.

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Information for you

-Our whitepapers-

Executive View: KuppingerCole - Airlock Secure Access Hub for applications and APIs

This KuppingerCole Executive View report provides an architectural and functional overview of the Airlock Secure Access Hub, an integrated platform for secure access management - a multicloud-native security tool for web applications, APIs and beyond.


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Whitepaper: Security for cloud-native applications

You can read about how companies can ensure the security of web applications and APIs in Kubernetes in the white paper "Security for cloud-native applications", which was created in collaboration between heise and Airlock.


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Whitepaper: Zero Trust is a journey

The ongoing digital transformation of the world is progressing and having a profound impact on our personal and professional lives in ways that were difficult to imagine just a few years ago.

This white paper discusses the effects of continuous digitalization and its impact.

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Off to DevSecOps

In this white paper, you will learn the most important insights into how you can implement DevSecOps successfully and efficiently, which security components are required for this and the advantages of a microgateway architecture.


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Airlock 2FA - Strong authentication. Simple.

Double security - this is what two-factor authentication offers in the field of IT security.

Find out more about strong authentication and the possibilities offered by Airlock in our white paper.

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Further whitepapers

We provide you with free white papers on these and other topics:


  • Successful IAM projects
  • compliance
  • Data protection (DSGVO)
  • Introduction of PSD2
  • PCI DSS requirementsPCI DSS requirements
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